Rapid self-matching modeling and optimization technique for submillimeter-wave Schottky-diode harmonic multipliers

A simple and rapid self-matching modified harmonic-balance technique for submillimeter-wave Schottky-diode harmonic multipliers is presented. This work combines the physically accurate diode model with a modified harmonic-balance algorithm to determine diode-circuit design that maximize power generation and/or power efficiency in the second harmonic. The modified harmonic-balance method utilizes a novel strategy where maximum-available diode power at second-harmonic. The modified harmonic-balance method utilizes a novel strategy where maximum-available diode power at second-harmonic frequency is first derived independently and then the corresponding higher harmonic voltages and currents are determined. This approach allows for the rapid determination of the matched embedding circuit and an optimized multiplier design. A direct comparison to traditional schemes is given to illustrate the general utility of this physics-based simulation. Specifically, this work demonstrates a computationally efficient and accurate physical description as well as a more robust approach for circuit optimization.