Shifting fuels, downsizing or both? The Swedish example

The paper looks at changes in Sweden’s new car fleet between 2002 and 2010. Between 2002 and 2007 consumer amenities such as acceleration capacity and passenger space con- tinued to increase while fuel consumption steadily decreased. During these years the main technological and market change was a shift toward diesel and flex-fuel ethanol vehicles. After 2007 the average weight and power of the vehicles were more or less constant, while fuel consumption decreased by 13% between 2007 and 2010. The developments after 2007 suggest that 77% of the technological development between 2002 and 2010 resulted in reductions in fuel consumption compares to previous years when 35% of any technology change resulted in a net reductions. The shift can partly be attributed to the increased share of diesels and an engine downsizing.