The principles of decision-analytic decision support, implemented in GeNIe (Graphical Network Interface) and SMILE (Structural Modeling, Inference, and Learning Engine) can be applied in practical decision support systems (DSSs). GeNIe plays the role of a development environment and SMILE plays the role of a reasoning engine. A decision support system based on SMILE can be equipped with a customized user interface. GeNIe's name and its uncommon capitalization originate from the name Graphical Network Interface, given to the original simple interface to SMILE which is a library of functions for graphical probabilistic and decision-theoretic models. GeNIe only runs under one of the most popular computing platform,: the Windows operating systems, which makes it not easily portable. GeNIe is therefore limited in its graphical representation across multiple system platforms. This paper is composed of two parts. The first part discusses a development environment for building graphical decision-theoretic models, an influence diagram, on a website by using an newly developed engine called "SMILE". The second part of the paper discusses the visualization of SMILE decision-theoretic models on a website using Flash technologies.
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