Qualification of ARDESIA SDD X-ray Spectrometer in Synchrotron Measurements

This work reports the results of the measurements using ARDESIA X-ray spectrometer in synchrotron measurements. ARDESIA is an SDD-based, multichannel X-ray spectrometer, optimized for synchrotron applications that require a high-count rate (> 1Mcps/channel) and high-resolution (<130eV of FHWM Mn-Kα line at optimum shaping time, ≤200eV at short shaping times) X-ray fluorescence detection. The main applications of the ARDESIA detector are X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) techniques. The detector is based on a monolithic array of 4 SDD with 25mm2 active area (collimated to 16mm2) each, which optimizes detector solid angle. After the optimization of the 4-channels detection module, the mechanical structure grants cooling, with a double Peltier strategy, vacuum, insulation from the harsh surrounding environment and possibility to place side-by-side several SDD modules to realize a larger number of channels. The detector signals are amplified by a monolithic four-channels CUBE preamplifier chip and processed by digital pulse processors (e.g. XGLab-DANTE, 4-channel XIA DXP-XMAP) to achieve good energy resolution at high count rates. Successful campaign of measurements at the DAΦNE DXR1 soft X-ray beamline in Frascati, Italy and ESRF LISA BM-08 beamline in Grenoble, France, such as XRF measurements in soft x-ray energy range, and long-duration consecutive XAFS measurements using various samples, confirm the qualification and performance of the instrument, in terms of energy resolution, throughput capability, immunity against external disturbances, and stability.