Software survey: Degatec — a windows version of DEGADIS

Abstract Program : DEGATEC, Complete Version 1.1, 29 February 1996. Source : Tecsa, Via Oratorio, 7, 20016 Pero (MI), Italy, and Risk and Industrial Safety Consultants Inc., 292 Howard Street, Des Plaines, IL 60018, USA. System: A 386 (or better) IBM-compatible Personal Computer with a math co-processor. Calculations require about 2 MB hard drive and 4 MB of RAM. The resident file requires 3 MB of storage in the hard drive. Windows 3.0 or higher versions. Cost: $900 for User's Manual, the executable program, protection key, quarterly bulletin; and telephone and fax support. Express shipping and handling is an extra $60 for USA, Canada and EEC countries; $100 for all other countries. GRAPHMAP, software that allows superimposition of DEGATEC concentration contours over a map, is available for an additional $200.