Nuclear data processing code FRENDY: A verification with HTTR criticality benchmark experiments

Abstract Japan Atomic Energy Agency has developed a new nuclear data processing code, named FRENDY, to generate ACE-formatted files from various evaluated nuclear libraries. A code-to-experiment verification of FRENDY processing was carried out in this study with criticality benchmark assessments of the high temperature engineering test reactor. The ACE files of the JENDL-4.0 and ENDF/B-VII.1 was generated successfully by FRENDY. These ACE files have been used in MCNP6 transport for various benchmark problems of the high temperature engineering test reactor. As a result, the keff and reaction rate obtained by MCNP6 calculation presented a good agreement compared to the experimental data. The proper ACE files generation by FRENDY was confirmed for the HTTR criticality calculations.