Quantitative Assessment of the Effect on the Eco-environment from LUCC in a Region Scale—A Case in the City Proper and the Suburbs of Tongchuan
The effect on the eco-environment from LUCC in a region scale is a very important content of the research in the global change.Ecological service value is a hotspot problem of Ecology and Ecological Economy at present.This research tries to combine these two things together to assess the effect on the eco-environment from LUCC in the city proper and the suburbs of Tongchuan by using the ecological service value with the data of terrain,soil,vegetation,climate,land use,etc.The authors calculated the ecological service value over the years from 1994 to 2003 in the research area and simulated the ecological service value by assuming the scene without land use change using the model of calculating the ecological service with data of the soil,vegetation,terrain,land use,climate,etc.Based on the results of the calculation,the authors tentatively put forward the concept of Ieoefluc,index of the effect on the environment from the land use change,and assessed the effect on the eco-environment from LUCC quantitatively using the index.The calculating results are as follows.Firstly the ecological service value varied between 477,000,000 and 1,560,000,000 yuan from 1994 to 2003 for the climate change,human action especially LUCC.Then we didn't take LUCC into account,the simulated value was figured out and it was less than the value we calculated considering LUCC.Finally the index of the effect on the environment from the land use change was calculated with the ecological service value under the condition with and without land use change.We can find that all the indexes are greater than one and increase generally in fluctuations.All of these indicated that LUCC in the study area during this period of time was beneficial to the development of the eco-environment.