Adaptation dans la présentation de documents semi-structurés selon les préférences utilisateur

An implant of one-piece construction is made of a carbon carbon composite material having a texture of carbon fibers and a fiber interconnecting matrix also of carbon. The implant comprises a root portion and a coronal portion which may be frustoconical or cylindrical. A peripheral groove may be formed between the root and coronal portions permitting gum growth to grip the implant. The implant may be finned. A plurality of implants may be provided on a perforate blade. The axis of the coronal portion may be inclined relative to the axis of the root portion. In an embodiment, the root portion is gable roof-shaped and may be joined by a rod to form twin implants. Accessories adapted to the implant for mounting the dental crown are also shwon as well as a surgical instrument for cutting the gums before drilling the socket in the jawbone.