Mitigating the Impact of Climate Change through Waste Recycling

This study reviews the impact of disposal of liquid and solid waste on earth's environment and their emittance of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. They trap re-radiated solar heat energy in the atmosphere and subsequently overheat the earth. It advocates that instead of production of materials from earth's virgin resources and disposal of wastes by burning or degradation, minimal production from virgin materials and total recycling of wastes drastically reduce the emission of such gases and vapours that would otherwise have had damaging effects on the environment. This was based on the European Commission Study on Environment's Report, (Smith et al., 2001), which showed that reduced dependence on fresh production of goods and overall source segregation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), followed by recycling, gives the lowest net flux of greenhouse gases, compared with other options for industrial production processes and treatment of bulk MSW. The text recommends global action on treatment of wastes and concludes that GHG emission is not a regional phenomena and should therefore receive local, state and national attention.