Proceedings of the 13th International Software Product Line Conference

Welcome to the Software Product Line Conference for 2009. SPLC is the premiere conference on software product line strategies. We believe the program includes topics of interest to researchers and practitioners. We have tutorials for beginners, research workshops for the most advanced researcher, and lots of content in between. Much of the content of SPLC has been supplied by you, the product line community. We thank you for your support and hope that you will continue to support future SPLCs. Volunteer to help and, above all, continue to send those great papers. We invite you to join the SPLC group on so that you can actively contribute year round and check periodically for new information. We have tried to be sensitive to the economic climate by seeking content about different approaches to adopting software product lines and about economic models that can illuminate the cost savings experienced by software product line organizations. With many organizations experiencing fundamental changes in business strategy, now is an excellent time to consider new product development strategies. Despite the trying economic times, we received 82 submissions to the technical program this year as well as numerous tutorial and workshop proposals. We have accepted 30 of those submissions for presentation during the technical program. Of these, a number are written by industry people and present practical information about real implementations of the software product line approach. In addition to those papers, the technical program presents keynote speakers who are recognized experts and offers working sessions that provide opportunity for conference attendees to actively participate. The tutorials, research workshops, and doctoral symposium that precede the technical program also contribute to the exciting atmosphere during the conference week.