Distributed and Parallel Computing

The state-of-the-art in high-performance concurrent computing -- theory and practice.-- Detailed coverage of the growing integration between parallel and distributed computing.-- Advanced approaches for programming distributed, parallel systems -- and adapting traditional sequential software.-- Creating a Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) from networked, heterogeneous systems.This is the most up-to-date, comprehensive guide to the rapidly changing field of distributed and parallel systems.The book begins with an introductory survey of distributed and parallel computing: its rationale and evolution. It compares and contrasts a wide variety of approaches to parallelism, from distributed computer networks, to parallelism within processors (such as Intel's MMX), to massively parallel systems. The book introduces state-of-the-art methods for programming parallel systems, including approaches to reverse engineering traditional sequential software. It includes detailed coverage of the critical scheduling problem, compares multiple programming languages and environments, and shows how to measure the performance of parallel systems. The book introduces the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) system for writing programs that run on a network of heterogenous systems; the new Message Passing Interface (MPI-2)standard; and finally, the growing role of Java in writing distributed and parallel applications.