Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Matematik Öğretmen Adaylarının Soyut Matematik Dersine Yönelik Tutumları ve Rastlanan Kavram Yanılgıları

It is very significant in terms of complete and meaningful learning to follow the basic skills, to determine the possible delays in time and to correct them immediately in the areas where the knowledge is tightly integrated as in mathematics.(Ersoy,1998) It is possible to help students to have a positive attitude towards mathematics, to make them comprehend the subjects profoundly, and enable them to learn without misconceptions through planning the mathematics the lessons effectively. A well-structured mathematics teaching enables the application of mathematical thinking into the other disciplines.In this research, in order to determine the attitude, possible misconceptions or the lack of knowledge in Abstract Mathematics Course and to find out their possible reasons, a multiple-choice test of 30 questions was applied to 277 freshmen in the Department of Primary and Secondary MathematiSoyut matematik, kavram yanilgilari, ogretmen adaylarinin tutumlari.Abstract mathematics, misconceptions, student teachers attitudes. Tam Metin