Computed tomography assessment of reinforced concrete

Gamma-ray computed tomography (CT) is potentially powerful nondestructive method for assessing the degree of distress that exists in reinforced-concrete structures. In a study to determine the feasibility of using CT to inspect reinforced-concrete specimens, we verified that CT can quantitatively image the internal details of reinforced concrete. To assess the accuracy of CT in determining voids and cracks, we inspected two fiber-reinforced concrete cylinders (one loaded and one unloaded) and a third cylinder containing a single reinforcing bar (rebar). To evaluate the accuracy of CT in establishing the location of reinforcing bars, we also inspected a concrete block containing rebars with different diameters. The results indicate that CT was able to revolve the many different phases in reinforced concrete (voids, cracks, rebars, and concrete) with great accuracy. 15 refs., 10 figs.