Design of feed drives with a process oriented design methodology

Electromechanical linear axes significantly determine the quality, productivity and efficiency of both process and product. Due to specific requirements, different linear axis systems have been established. Based on defined axis mechanics and technological constraints, those systems are going to be designed. By using the state-of-the-art design algorithm, a comparison of existing and novel linear axis systems is not possible. Within this paper the development and evaluation of a process-oriented development methodology (PODM) for electromechanical linear axes is introduced. It is needed to compare a new linear axis system that is characterized by two mechanically coupled, oppositely moving direct drives with the existing linear systems. First, functional relations between different linear axis components and parameters have to be determined. By using these relations in the context of simulation models, different linear axis systems can be designed and compare according to identical process parameters. A potential analysis based on a selected sample process shows a decrease of the vibration excitation as well as a reduction of maximum currents and electrical losses for the new design linear axis system.