TransWeb: a framework for development of transparent load-balanced Web applications

Clients (user agents) on the World Wide Web vary greatly in computing power-from low-end WAP devices to high-end desktops even other servers as in a B2B scenario. It should be possible to build applications, which transparently adapt to the varying user agents. Most of the existing applications are written to execute only on the server without taking the computation power available on the client into account. We suggest a mechanism where an application can be written such that parts of the application can be executed either on the client side or on the server. This decision about which part of the code should be executed where can be taken at compile time or run time. This can either be under full user control or can be done automatically based on parameters like user agent type or server load. Applications of this type will allow loaded servers to transfer part of the load to clients to exploit the computing power available at client side.