Computer-based testing and the Internet: Issues and advances.

About the Editors. List of Contributors. Introduction: The International Test Commission and its Role in Advancing Measurement Practices and International Guidelines (Thomas Oakland). 1. Testing on the Internet: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities in the Field of Occupational Assessment (Dave Bartram). 2. Model-Based Innovations in Computer-Based Testing (Wim J. van der Linden). 3. New Tests and New Items: Opportunities and Issues (Fritz Drasgow and Krista Mattern). 4. Psychometric Models, Test Designs and Item Types for the Next Generation of Educational and Psychological Tests (Ronald K. Hambleton). 5. Operational Issues in Computer-Based Testing (Richard M. Luecht). 6. Internet Testing: The Examinee Perspective (Michael M. Harris). 7. The Impact of Technology on Test Manufacture, Delivery and Use and on the Test Taker (Dave Bartram). 8. Optimizing Quality in the Use of Web-Based and Computer-Based Testing for Personnel Selection (Lutz F. Hornke and Martin Kersting). 9. Computer-Based Testing for Professional Licensing and Certification of Health Professionals (Donald E. Melnick and Brian E. Clauser). 10. Issues that Simulations Face as Assessment Tools (Charles Johnson). 11. Inexorable and Inevitable: The Continuing Story of Technology and Assessment (Randy Elliot Bennett). 12. Facing the Opportunities of the Future (Krista J. Breithaupt, Craig N. Mills and Gerald J. Melican). Index.