The Project Environment

All processes, and the work they involve, have a context. In Chap. 2 we introduced two distinct contexts for work: the project environment and the operational environment. In this chapter we examine the project environment from four perspectives: chronology (a sequence of phases), structure (a taxonomy of components), organisation (a model of governance) and engagement (management of stakeholders). In our discussion of structure, we draw an important distinction between deliverables-related activity and management-related activity. Although the overwhelming bulk of work arising from a project is “below-the-line” (required to produce, deliver and implement the deliverables identified in the scoping statement), the project environment is shaped by the demands of “above-the-line” work (required to plan and manage the project). To accommodate these demands, we define, describe and apply a general model, regardless of the nature of the project. The peculiarities of particular projects can be accommodated by adapting this common model.