Extended resolution: Neidell is right

Abstract Norman Neidell was the first to show that higher frequencies can be obtained from observational digital data than those predicted by adherence to the Nyquist criteria. The result is extended resolution in computed seismic images. Holistic imaging is further confirmation that Neidell is right. An optical hologram acquires information about a 3D object on a 2D optical plate. When the hologram is illuminated, an optical image of the 3D object is formed. A seismogram (i.e., the acquired seismic data in a survey) acquires information about a 3D object on a 2D datum together with the additional dimension of time. When the seismogram is processed and imaged, a computer image of the 3D object is formed. From this analogy, it might be said that a seismogram is a hologram. A hologram depicts an image. An important feature of a hologram is that any portion of the hologram depicts the same image. It follows that in a seismic survey the number of shot points and detectors can be reduced without adversely affe...