The Expander Hierarchy and its Applications to Dynamic Graph Algorithms

We introduce a notion for hierarchical graph clustering which we call the expander hierarchy and show a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining such a hierarchy on a graph with $n$ vertices undergoing edge insertions and deletions using $n^{o(1)}$ update time. An expander hierarchy is a tree representation of graphs that faithfully captures the cut-flow structure and consequently our dynamic algorithm almost immediately implies several results including: (1) The first fully dynamic algorithm with $n^{o(1)}$ worst-case update time that allows querying $n^{o(1)}$-approximate conductance, $s$-$t$ maximum flows, and $s$-$t$ minimum cuts for any given $(s,t)$ in $O(\log^{1/6} n)$ time. Our results are deterministic and extend to multi-commodity cuts and flows. The key idea behind these results is a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a tree flow sparsifier, a notion introduced by Racke [FOCS'02] for constructing competitive oblivious routing schemes. (2) A deterministic fully dynamic connectivity algorithm with $n^{o(1)}$ worst-case update time. This significantly simplifies the recent algorithm by Chuzhoy et al.~that uses the framework of Nanongkai et al. [FOCS'17]. (3) The first non-trivial deterministic fully dynamic treewidth decomposition algorithm on constant-degree graphs with $n^{o(1)}$ worst-case update time that maintains a treewidth decomposition of width $\text{tw}(G)\cdot n^{o(1)}$ where $\text{tw}(G)$ denotes the treewidth of the current graph. Our technique is based on a new stronger notion of the expander decomposition, called the boundary-linked expander decomposition. This decomposition is more robust against updates and better captures the clustering structure of graphs. Given that the expander decomposition has proved extremely useful in many fields, we expect that our new notion will find more future applications.

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