Future Directions for Thin Films in Space Workshop at SPRAT XVIII

For approximately ten years, the SPRAT conference series at NASA Glenn (formerly Lewis) Research Center has devoted a workshop to the topic of thin-film solar cell technology and its potential for space applications. While thin-film materials have been investigated for a number of years, including copper sulfide research at NASA in the 1960 s, there has been a re-birth of interest in this class of materials for space applications in the past dozen years or so. There are several reasons for this renaissance. An important contributor is efficiency improvements beyond ten percent. Another contributor is the increase in interest represented by funding opportunities by NASA and several agencies in the U.S. Department of Defense (Missile Defense Agency, Air Force, and DARPA). Finally, there have been several intriguing missions identified through various means, these include: station-keeping for high-altitude airships, space solar power, planetary surface power, and solar electric propulsion. To aid in leading the discussion for this workshop, a series of seven questions were posed. These are reproduced below as well as a summary of key points and conclusions from the workshop as well as an attendees list and results of an informal poll related to long-term potential of thin films for space.