The purpose of this study is to describe the empirical method (statistical method) used to test the predictive model, which was developed for the survey on waste generation. The model used different types of houses such as Bungalow (), Double Terrace (DT), Low Cost (LC), Flats (FL) and Village Type (VL) as variables. Using the predictive model, a comparison was made against actual data obtained from local authorities and data obtained from estimates manually calculated by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. This comparison was to establish the accuracy of the prediction and the variation between the waste collected monthly and the predicted value of waste generated. The finding showed that the difference between actual amount of waste collected and the predicted amount was approximately 27%. The explanation from linear regression analysis showed that the quantity of waste generation using predictive model explains 63% of the variables selected for the regression gave good indicators for the analysis of waste generation rates in the study area.
Jay R. Lund,et al.
Least‐Cost Scheduling of Solid Waste Recycling
Charles R. Rhyner,et al.
Monthly Variations in Solid Generation
S. Probert,et al.
Municipal solid waste: a prediction methodology for the generation rate and composition in the European Union countries and the United States of America
Charles R. Rhyner,et al.
The Predictive Accuracy of Published Solid Waste Generation Factors
Djoko M. Hartono,et al.
Estimation of Solid Waste Generation Rates in the City of Bandung, Indonesia
Frank Kreith,et al.
Handbook of Solid Waste Management
A. Field.
Discovering statistics using SPSS for Windows.
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A Comparison of Two Waste Stream Quantification and Characterization Methodologies