The SUSEN program is divided in four sub-programs and teams: Technological Experimental Circuits (TEC), Structural and System Diagnostics (SSD), Material Research (MAT) and Material Fuel Cycle (JPC). TEC team is in charge of the development large-scale experimental loops to improve the quality and quantity of data about the behavior of coolants used in the primary circuit and the corrosion of steel in contact with coolants. The coolants investigated are: supercritical water, helium and lead-bismuth. The SSD team is in charge to perform in hot-cells various kinds of mechanical tests on irradiated materials in the range from room temperature to 800°C (tensile test, creep test, tension-torsion test and fatigue test in different type of loading) and microstructure investigation with SEM and TEM. The goal of this paper is to present the facilities designed and built in the frame of the SUSEN program in the Centrum Výzkumu Řež, allowing research and development in the area of Generation IV and nuclear fusion reactors.
J. Berka,et al.
New experimental device for VHTR structural material testing and helium coolant chemistry investigation – High Temperature Helium Loop in NRI Řež
Michal Černý,et al.
Testing of analytical and purification methods for HTR helium coolant
P. Brabec,et al.
Corrosion behavior of steels in flowing lead–bismuth under abnormal conditions
C. Schroer,et al.
Oxygen control systems and impurity purification in LBE: Learning from DEMETRA project
G. G. Stokes.
The New Yale Book of Quotations.