Wideband waveform optimization for energy detector receiver with practical considerations

This paper deals with waveform optimization problems raised from advanced radio system prototyping conducted recently. Motivated by increasing demands for wireless sensor networks, simple receivers paired with sophisticated transmitters are considered. From a few receiver candidates, the energy detector (or square law) receiver is selected in this paper. The receiver includes a square law device followed by an integrator to generate a decision statistic. To compensate performance loss suffered due to the use of the simple receiver, an optimal waveform with respect to a known channel impulse response is transmitted, given all constraints posed by practical limitations. The optimization goal is to maximize signal energy at the output of the integrator at the receiver. Thanks to the recent technology advanced in semiconductors, waveform level (at multiple of Nyquist sampling rate) arbitrary precoding is possible. However, reduction in quantization and transmitted peak power is still very desirable, being concerned about implementation complexity and power consumption. These motivate us to consider various practical constraints in waveform optimization. A number of solutions are provided in this paper in conjunction with numerical verification using measured data.