A model based on time effectiveness analysis is proposed for describing the consequences of various traffic engineering measures. Any measure in a traffic system causes changes in the conditions for both traffic users and non-traffic users. Journey times can be easily calculated. Barrier effects due to presence of traffic route cause losses in time etc. Traffic accidents cause time losses for both the directly and indirectly affected. Stress and risks du to traffic give rise to consequential time losses. Light, noise and vibration due to traffic cause disturbance and thus loss of time. Exhaust and dust generation are irritants. Visual disturbances occur when an established environment vanishes or is adversely affected. The intrusion effect of traffic is also an environmental disturbance. Time analysis is used in evaluating proposed traffic measures. 1. Time gained must exceed time lost. 2. Some types of losses must be limited. 3. The total gain in time must be obtained for a reasonable investment. Examples of time analysis, applied to time losses in vehicular traffic, evaluation of journey times and traffic accidents, speed reduction on a certain route, and an investigation concerning domestic airports, are given. The use of time analysis is discussed. /TRRL/