LOD for All : Unlocking Infinite Opportunities

LOD for all platform is among the world’s first repositories enabling unified access to the Linked Open Data (LOD) through a single query to the entire LOD datasets. It realises two types of searches: data catalogue search and instance data search. LOD for all offers full-text search based on the heterogeneous storage and using the REST APIs. Majority of LOD sites mainly provide SPARQL endpoints, while LOD for all platform provides more easy-to-use REST APIs, thus saving the developer’s effort for preparing the development environments. Also, the LOD for all platform aims to provide an easy-toimplement environment for various LOD applications. Moreover, the LOD for all platform offers capability to display links to other datasets, Classes, Properties, or instances. The LOD for all also offers extensibility in terms of when new datasets are added the relationships or links are automatically displayed.