[Newborn hearing screening - importance, current state in the Czech Republic].
The importance of early detection of hearing impairment in newborns and children and the early rehabilitation of hearing disorder with hearing aid or cochlear implant was demonstrated in a number of papers. As a result, newborn hearing screening was introduced in many countries around the world. The incidence of congenital hearing impairment has been underestimated for a long time, empirically determined incidence was 1:1000 neonates. Thanks to newborn hearing screening was revealed that incidence of congenital hearing impairment is 3 times higher. One out of 300 newborns has profound hearing loss (deafness) and 1 in 300 newborns has mild to moderate hearing loss. Moreover, in 1 out of 300 children hearing impairment would develop before the age of 18. In the Czech Republic, the screening of all newborns is still systematical and multilevel conducted in only three regions (Moravskoslezský, Královéhradecký, Pardubický). In these regions, statistics as well as assessments of individual stages of screening are carried out. In other regions, records of the number of screened children, number of rescreened children and detailed statistics of hearing impairment is missing. The authors summarize the basic information about the importance of screening, the history of screening and its organization. Provided information is based on experience with the gradual introduction of screening over recent years in the regions in which they work. Newborn hearing screening should be organized in several stages (1 - screening at maternity hospitals, 2 - rescreening on collaborating otolaryngology/phoniatric workplaces and 3 - detailed hearing examination in centers in children whose screening was negative). The authors focus on problems related to the organization of screening and offer practical advice (e.g. implementation of screening coordinators). They consider it is essential to have statistical evidence of examination at all levels. Introducing of newborn hearing screening is not a short-term task but a long-term (many years) challenge.