Disease Features in Acute Myeloid Leukemia with t(8;21)(q22;q22). Influence of Age, Secondary Karyotype Abnormalities, CD19 Status, and Extramedullar Leukemia on Survival

Over a period of 14 years, 50 patients (12 children and 38 adults) of whom 46 had acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and 4 had myelodysplastic syndrome characterized by the t(8;21)(q22;q22) translocation were referred to the Royal Marsden Hospital. The clinico-pathological features of these cases were analyzed to determine the influence of age, secondary karyotype abnormalities, and expression of the lymphoid marker CD 19 on event free survival, and presence of extramedullary leukemia on overall survival. They were treated with a variety of chemotherapy protocols and some had bone marrow transplantation. There appeared to be no difference in survival between children (age >17 years) and adults (age >16 years). Out of the 50 cases, 16 (32%) had the (8;21) translocation alone, 17 (34 %) had additional loss of a sex chromosome and the remaining 17 (34%) had other karyotype abnormalities of which deletion or translocation of the long arms of a #9 was most common (observed in 8 of the 17 patients). The karyotype groups had a significant impact on survival, the group with loss of a sex chromosome having a poorer outcome and the group with abnormalities of chromosome 9 having a better outcome. CD19 positivity was seen in 21 of the 33 cases (63%) in whom it was measured compared to 11% observed in controls with AML without a t(8;21). CD19 status did not exert any influence on event free survival. Extramedullary leukemia (EML) occurred in 5 of the 50 cases (10%). In one patient it was observed at diagnosis but in the others it presented concurrent with bone marrow relapse. The overall survival of patients with EML was worse than that of the other patients but did not achieve statistical significance and was probably adversely affected by other factors.

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