Occupational and Residential Segregation

List of Contributors. Introduction. The information theory of segregation: uniting segregation and inequality in a common framework. The invariance properties of the mutual information index of multigroup segregation. The GINI coefficient and segregation on a continuous variable. Generalized gini occupational segregation indices. Occupational segregation with economic disadvantage: an investigation of decomposable indexes. Comment on robert hutchens, "Occupational segregation with economic disadvantage: an investigation of decomposable indexes". A response to paul jargowsky's comment. Measures of ordinal segregation. Exploring changes in the spatial pattern of income segregation during the 1990s. Analyzing changes in occupational segregation: the case of switzerland (1970-2000). Wage inequality and segregation between native and immigrant workers in Switzerland: evidence using matched employee-employer data. Gender segregation in the workplace and wage gaps: evidence from urban Mexico 1994-2004. Research on Economic Inequality. Research on economic inequality volume 17. Copyright page.