The Rise of Women Lawyers in India

In Accidental Feminism, Swethaa Ballakrishnen, a rising scholar in the study of inequality in the professions and globalization, offers an illuminating account of the coincidental corpus of conditions leading to unanticipated gender equality within elite global law firms in India. Their eloquent analysis breaks new ground by skillfully tracing the range of conditions, each incidentally conceived, that coincided without intention to produce demographic parity for women lawyers in elite firms. Recent scholarship has explored the formation of legal elites in postcolonial India (Williams 2020), emerging corporate legal “ecosystems” of new domestic corporate law firms in India (Wilkins, Trubek, and Fong 2020), and the role of Indian lawyers in the transnational context of the World Trade Organization (Shaffer, Nedumpara, and Sinha 2015), yet there is a paucity of research on women lawyers in India (though see Mossman (2020) for a historical account of early women lawyers in India). Accidental Feminism fills a conspicuous void in the literature on legal professions.

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