Decision Tree for Stormwater BMPs
The use of stormwater treatment strategies, often referred to as best management practices (BMPs), has increased significantly due to new stormwater regulations. The goal of this project was to create a scoping-level tool that could assist City and County public works staff in the selection of BMPs appropriate for specific projects. This tool walks the user through five steps in the selection process: 1. Select Your Project Type based upon site vs. roadway/linear projects and the amount of space that is likely to be available after project completion. 2. Describe Your Project according to location, receiving waters, soil types, setting, and special site considerations. 3. Determine the Regulatory Environment for Your Project by determining which of the state, local, and federal agencies might have jurisdiction over the project, with the intent to identify the most stringent design criteria. 4. Create a Preliminary BMP Toolbox – from a matrix of seven BMPs, the toolbox will be narrowed to two or three that are most appropriate for the project. 5. Refine BMP Selection by comparing factors such as maintenance, life cycle costs, aesthetics and others. Appendices contain the cost-benefit analysis and a list of resources. Related PowerPoint, Selecting Stormwater BMPs – Identifying The Best Options, 2011RIC01PP can be found at the link above.