EPIC: Efficient Private Image Classification (or: Learning from the Masters)

Outsourcing an image classification task raises privacy concerns, both from the image provider’s perspective, who wishes to keep their images confidential, and from the classification algorithm provider’s perspective, who wishes to protect the intellectual property of their classifier. We propose EPIC, an efficient private image classification system based on support vector machine (SVM) learning, secure against malicious adversaries. EPIC builds upon transfer learning techniques known from the Machine Learning (ML) literature and minimizes the load on the privacy-preserving part. Our solution is based on Multiparty Computation (MPC), it is 34 times faster than Gazelle (USENIX’18) –the state-of-the-art in private image classification– and it improves the communication cost by 50 times, with a 7% higher accuracy on CIFAR-10 dataset. For the same accuracy as Gazelle achieves on CIFAR-10, EPIC is 700 times faster and the communication cost is reduced by 500 times.

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