An Atomic Counterpoise Method for Estimating Inter- and Intramolecular Basis Set Superposition Errors.

An atomic counterpoise method is proposed to calculate estimates of inter- and intramolecular basis set superposition errors. The method estimates the basis set superposition error as a sum of atomic contributions and can be applied for both independent particle and electron correlation models. It is shown that the atomic counterpoise method provides results very similar to the molecular counterpoise method for intermolecular basis set superposition errors at both the HF and MP2 levels of theory with a sequence of increasingly larger basis sets. The advantage of the atomic counterpoise method is that it can be applied with equal ease to estimate intramolecular basis set superposition errors, for which few other methods exist. The atomic counterpoise method is computationally quite efficient, requiring typically double the amount of computer time as required for calculating the uncorrected energy.