Study of the application of an implicit model-following flight controller to lift-fan VTOL aircraft

An implicit model-following flight controller is proposed. This controller is relatively simple in concept: it provides an input/output relationship that is approximately that of any selected second order system; it provides good gust alleviation; and it is self-trimming. The flight controller was applied to all axes of a comprehensive mathematical model of a lift-fan V/STOL transport. Power management controls and displays were designed to match the various modes of control provided by the flight controller. A piloted simulation was performed using a six degree of freedom simulator. The fixed-operating-point handling qualities throughout the powered lift flight envelope received pilot ratings of 3-1/2 or better. Approaches and vertical landings in IFR zero-zero conditions received pilot ratings varying from 2-1/2 to 4 depending on the type of approach and weather conditions.