Integrated Vehicle-Based Safety System Heavy Truck Driver Vehicle Interface (DVI) Literature Review

The Integrated Vehicle-Based Safety Systems (IVBSS) program is a four-year, two phase cooperative research program conducted by an industry team led by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI). The program goal is to integrate several collision warning systems into one vehicle in a way that alerts drivers to potential collision threats with an effective driver vehicle interface (DVI), while minimizing the number of excessive warnings presented to the driver. Basic program strategies for meeting this objective include systematically managing and prioritizing all information presented to the driver, minimizing the number of system false alarms, and restricting auditory alarms to higher urgency collision conditions. The report summarizes existing guidelines, data sources, and design principles relevant to the design of the IVBSS heavy-truck DVI; and discusses high-priority research issues relevant to the development and field testing of the IVBSS heavy-truck DVI