Stock management for sustainable urban regeneration
chap.1 K.Ozawa Stock Management of Civil Engineering Infrastructure in Asia chap.2 T.Yashiro Overview of building stock management in Japan chap.3 Y.Nishimura Renovation of Modern Stock chap.4 S.Muramatsu Why and How We Should Inherit Urban Environmental Cultural Resources: Identifying, Listing, Evaluating, and Making Good Use of Urban Environmental Cultural Resources in Asia chap.5 K.Fujii (Arranged and Translated by Mizuko Ugo) New Urban Strategy for Provincial Cities in Japan chap.6 T.Ishida Life-span simulation of reinforced concrete structures: toward rational stock management chap.7 K.Maekawa Anti-Seismic Design, Diagnostics and Reinforcement for Concrete Structures chap.8 H. Kuwamura EARTHQUAKE-RESISTANT ENGINEERING OF STEEL STRUCTURES chap.9 K.Kawaguchi Antiseismic Design: Wide-Roof Buildings in Earthquakes chap.10 M.Koshihara Antiseismic Design: From Houses to Large Enclosures Wooden Houses chap.11 M.Hori Integrated Earthquake Simulation of Earthquake Hazard and Disaster chap.12 T.Takada&Y.Fujino Risk Assessment, Management and Monitoring of Infrastructure Systems chap.13 T.Noguchi Resource Recycling in Concrete: Present and Future chap.14 I.Towhata Use of municipal waste island for new urban development