The vision of the GEYSERS project is to qualify optical infrastructure providers and network operators with a new architecture and by thus enabling them to enhance their traditional business operations towards true end-to-end Cloud Computing product offerings. Optical network infrastructure providers will compose logical infrastructures and rent them out to network operators; network operators will run cost-efficient, dynamic and mission-specific networks by means of integrated control and management techniques. On top of this GEYSERS develops Cloud Computing extensions that allow high-end IT resources at users' premises to be fully integrated with the network services procedures, both at the infrastructure-planning and connection-provisioning phases. Following this vision, GEYSERS will specify and implement a novel optical-network architecture able to support ‘Optical Network + Any-IT’ resource provisioning seamlessly and efficiently and by thus conceive a true end-to-end Cloud Computing Infrastructure-as-a-Service framework that ranges beyond contemporary data-center confined Cloud Computing frameworks.