The Handbook of Rational and Social Choice - an overview of new foundations and applications

Introduction UTILITY THEORY, RATIONALITY AND DECISION-MAKING 1. Expected Utility Theory 2. Rank-dependent Utility 3. Applications of Non-Expected Utility 4. Ambiguity 5. The Normative Status of the Independence Axiom 6. The Rationality of Intransitive Preference: Foundations for the Modern View 7. Dutch Book Arguments 8. Experimental Tests of Rationality 9. State-Dependent Utility 10. Choice over Time 11. Imitation and Learning 12. Diversity SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE 13. Limits of Utilitarianism as the Ethical Basis of Public Action 14. Consequentialism and Non-Consequentialism: The Axiomatic Approach 15. Freedom of Choice 16. Responsibility 17. Equality and Priority 18. Rawlsian Justice 19. Judgement Aggregation: A Survey 20. Population Ethics 21. Distributive Justice: An Overview of Experimental Evidence 22. Social Choice in Health and Healthcare 23. The Capabilities Approach