A simple modification of the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue test for much faster assessment of color vision

Purpose: The Farnsworth-Munsell (FM) 100-hue test is well known but is also time consuming, especially its analytical component. To reduce this needless time-waste during precious working hours, a simple modification was devised. Design: Prospective, comparative, observational study. Materials and Methods: A transparent clear plastic carrier box replaced the opaque one, allowing ready digital photodocumentation of top and bottom without even opening the box, or handling/inverting the caps -200 reportedly normals and 50 known color vision defectives could be easily tested on this modified-FM and results stored, allowing rapid turnover. The captured scores with patient ID were analyzed, at leisure, outside hospital time, saving 45-60 minutes/patient. After recording, the box was promptly handed over to the next subject for rearrangement. Times taken for test/patient were recorded. Results: Running time was reduced from 60-75 min to ~15 min/patient with no waste of invaluable lab hours. Turnover time is limited to capturing two photographs (~60 sec). The box is relatively cheap and easy to maintain. Conclusions: Our simplified FM 100-hue test allowed rapid assessment of color visions with easy data storage of both top and bottom.