Classification-based Learning by Particle Swarm Optimization for Wall-following Robot Navigation
In this paper, we study the parameter setting for a set of intelligent multi-category classifiers in wallfollowing robot navigation. Based on the swarm optimization theory, a particle selecting approach is
proposed to search for the optimal parameters, a key property of this set of multi-category classifiers.
By utilizing the particle swarm search, it is able to obtain higher classification accuracy with significant
savings on the training time compared to the conventional grid search. For wall-following robot
navigation, the best accuracy (98.8%) is achieved by the particle swarm search with only 1/4 of the
training time by the grid search. Through communicating the social information available in particle
swarms in the training process, classification-based learning can achieve higher classification accuracy
without prematurity. One of such learning classifiers has been implemented in SIAT mobile robot.
Experimental results validate the proposed search scheme for optimal parameter settings