Purpose Restoration of letter reading and stripe pattern recognition in blind RP patients by placing subretinal implants transchoroidally near the macula, consisting of two arrays: 4x4 electrodes controlled retroauricularly via a subdermal line for direct stimulation (“DS array”) and a "chip" (3x3x0,1 mm),1500 electrodes.
Methods Letters and stripe pattern were presented to 3 patients via the light sensitive chip – by patterns steadily presented at a screen. On the DS array the sensation evoked by each individual pulse consists of whitish round dot, clearly separated from its neighbor. Patterns consisting of such 4 x 4 dots correspond to letters of approximately 5 cm diameter presented at 60 cm distance.
Results Pat.1 correctly (20/24) recognized the direction of the letter “U”, presented with the opening in four different directions (DS array). Pat.2 correctly (12/12) differentiated letters via DS array (e.g. COIL). With the light sensitive chip, he correctly (22/24) differentiated letters (e.g. LITZ; 8,5 cm high, 1.7 cm line width) steadily presented on a screen at 62 cm distance Pat.3 recognized (15/20 correct, 4AFC) the direction of lines or stripe patterns with the chip, as did Pat.1 (11/14, 2AFC) and Pat.2 (11/12 4AFC) up to 0.35 cycles/deg.
Conclusion Active subretinal multielectrode implants with currents close to produce retinotopically correct patterns that allow for the first time recognition of individual letters and stripe patterns up to 0.35 cycles/deg clearly supporting the feasibility of light sensitive subretinal multi-electrode devices for restoration of useful vision.