Knowledge Based Modeling In Networked Cooperative Building Design Using Elements Of Fuzzy Logic

In the field of Civil Engineering, particularly in planning processes involving multiple crafts, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is essential to fulfill the increasing demands of today’s building industry. Actually the exchange of information between involved craftplanners during the realization of structural and industrial engineering occurs on an electronic base (internet based project management – IBPM), but solely document orientated. This conventional approach is timeand cost-consuming, as well as inflexible. It may lead to considerable inconsistencies. To avoid these inconsistencies, it is necessary – and one of the most important basics in distributed design environments to completely identify all consequences of design modifications by the different participants. In this paper a knowledge based system is presented to support cooperative, comprehensive design processes in distributed environments. Furthermore this contribution shows a promising approach for representation of knowledge with imprecise assumptions by use of parameters with fuzzy limits. Possible applications are the assistance of elementary selection of suitable systems, determination of suggestive construction dimensions or sensitivity analyses of modifications.