타이어 설계인자를 고려한 자동차 현가계의 진동특성

The model is verified thorough simulations and experiments. And then the developed model is applied to a half car model and automobile vibrations are analyzed. The effects of tire design parameters on the automobile vibration energy are investigated. The results from laboratory and field tests confirm the validity of the analytical model. The 17-DOF half-car model is built to analyze the automobile vibration. The characteristics of the nonlinear model for a shock absorber are applied to this model. The results from the present 17-DOF half car model incorporating the analytical tire model with tire design parameters, are compared with a 5-DOF half car model where the tire is modeled with linear springs. The results of the 17-DOF model are closed to experimental results. Using the 17-DOF model, the influences of tire design parameter are considered. According to the results of analyses, the vibrations at seat/body/wheel are predicted by simulation and experiment.