A hardware system has been developed to obtain data from multiple MEMS triaxial accelerometers for structural health monitoring research. The system can be easily configured for a single accelerometer or up to as many as 120 triaxial accelerometers with 24-bit data sampled up to a 2 kHz rate simultaneously. The system is modular where each module consists of an electrical board that supports up to eight accelerometers. Each module powers the accelerometers, conditions the analog output from the accelerometers, and performs analog-to-digital conversion. In addition, the module has an FPGA that timestamps and packetizes the digital data. The data from each module is transmitted to a host computer using serial communication through a USB virtual COM port. A LabVIEW application on a host computer logs and processes the data, although any software that can perform serial communication and data parsing, e.g. MATLAB, can be utilized. In the case of a single module with eight accelerometers, a single laptop computer can be used for both electrical power and user interaction making an ideal setup for measurements in the field.