Radiation therapy for larynx carcinoma: long-term results of stage I glottic carcinoma.
From November 1977 through March 1982, 95 patients with early glottic carcinoma (T1N0M0) were treated with radiation therapy. Total radiation dose administered was 50 to 70 Gy over five to seven weeks period with fields of 5 x 5 cm2. Actuarial five- and ten-year survival rates were 81% and 76%, and five- and ten-year relapse free survival rates were 85% and 83%, respectively. Radiation failures were surgically salvaged in 93% (14/15) and ultimate locoregional control rate was 97% (92/95). The rate of voice preservation was 86% (82/95). As a minor chronic complication polypoid lesion and impaired mobility of vocal cord was found in 9% (seven cases) and 5% (four cases) of patients without local recurrence. We need long-term follow-up after radiation therapy for the locoregional control and keeping the quality of voice.