Circadian clocks and their adjustment
Partial table of contents: The Genetic Basis of the Circadian Clock: Identification of frq and FRQ as Clock Components in Neurospora (J. Dunlap, et al.). The Effects of Temperature Change on the Circadian Clock of Neurospora (L. Rensing, et al.). Circadian Pacemakers in Vertebrates (M. Ralph & M. Hurd). Organization of the Mammalian Circadian System (R. Moore). A Non-Photic Gateway to the Circadian Clock of Hamsters (N. Mrosovsky). Immediate-Early Genes and the Neuronal Bases of Photic and Non-Photic Entrainment (M. Hastings, et al.). Interaction Between the Circadian Clocks of Mother and Fetus (S. Reppert). The Effect of Light on the Human Circadian Pacemaker (C. Czeisler). Indexes.