Signal processing for wireless ad hoc communication networks [from the guest Editors]

Welcome to this special issue on signal processing for wireless ad hoc communication networks. Ad hoc networks are being actively explored in a variety of contexts, both military and civilian. As part of this development, signal processing and networking have become increasingly intertwined and touches on many aspects from physical layer to the application. This special issue is intended to highlight some of the connections that signal processing has with networking. We were very pleased by the large number of proposals we received in response to our call for papers and regret that not all submissions could be accommodated. The large number of submissions is testimony to the activity and interest in signal processing approaches to solving the challenges of bringing ad hoc networks into greater practice. We hope that these articles will inspire more research activities of a broader and larger impact in this emerging and exciting multidisciplinary area. The first three articles cover topics that are already very familiar to many researchers of signal processing. These topics are often classified under the umbrella of cooperative communications. The leading article is written by