Jafari , Jafar , J . R. Brent Rltchie, Toward a F ramework For Tour i sm Education: Problems and Prospects. Annals of Tour i sm Research 1981, VIII(I):13-34. The purpose of this article is to offer a f ramework for analysis and discussion of tour ism education. It first adopts a definition of tour ism within which interaction among its componen t s and ex t raneous aspects are considered. Specifically, it addresses issues related to travelers, tour ism goods and services, socio-physical factors, and the host-guest relationship. Second, it discusses some social science disciplines relevant to the s tudy of tourism, with reference to some me thods of research and teaching of tourism. Finally, the article moves on to present some other issues per t inent to cur r icu lum deve lopment in tourism. Throughou t the paper, a n u m b e r of quest ions are raised and a t t empts are made to point out some critical issues in tour ism education. Key~ords: tour i sm educat ion, definition of tourism, disciplinary approaches, concepts, cur r icu lum develop-