The AB/BA Cross-over: How to perform the two- stage analysis if you can't be persuaded that you shouldn't.

.Roel has never missed an International Society for Biostatistics (ISCB) meeting and, althoughI cannot quite match this record, I have tried to attend (and succeeded in attending) a goodfew myself over the years so that I can look back on many pleasant conversations with Roelon statistical and other matters, as well as some memorable social evenings at ISCB spent inhis company over a beer or two. A recent example can be given. We set off together atISCB17 in Budapest on a trip to view the Danube Bend, were rather surprised to findourselves later in the evening witnessing (at alarmingly close quarters) a medieval tournamentwhich convincingly blended point processes and survival analysis (the mosquitoes in theCamargue at ISCB11 in Nimes were the previous such demonstration I recall), and finishedthe evening in a nearby restaurant discussing, amongst other things, ‘whatever happened tomultivariate analysis?’, ‘is explained variation important?’, ‘which was the year that ISCBdidn’t meet?’, ‘and do we prefer red or white Hungarian wine?’.Let me quote from the membership information for ISCB. ‘