Educational Management: Redefining Theory, Policy and Practice

Preface - Tony Bush et al Introduction - Tony Bush Setting the Scene PART ONE: SCHOOLS AND SELF-MANAGEMENT - Ron Glatter Modern Headship for the Rationally Managed School - Rosalind Levacic et al Combining Cerebral and Insightful Approaches Decentralization and Deregulation in Europe - Peter Karstanje Towards a Conceptual Framework Continuities and Changes in Primary Headship - Geoff Southworth Primary Schools and the Nature of the Education Market Place - Les Bell PART TWO: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Ray Bolam Understanding Leadership - Peter Ribbins Developing Headteachers Stages of Headship - Dick Weindling Promoting Continuing Professional Development for Teachers - Agnes McMahon An Achievable Target for School Leaders? Headteachers' Knowledge, Practice and Mode of Cognition - Michael Eraut PART THREE: THEORY DEVELOPMENT - Peter Ribbins Combining Cultural and Political Perspectives - Mike Wallace The Best of Both Conceptual Worlds? Institutional Transformation and Educational Management - Chris James Gender and Education Management - Valerie Hall Duel or Dialogue? School Effectiveness and School Improvement - Janet Ouston Critique of a Movement Can Leadership Enhance School Effectiveness? - Philip Hallinger and Ronald Heck PART FOUR: RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT - Les Bell Educational Administration, Leadership and Management - Ray Bolam Towards a Research Agenda Overview of a Group of Research Projects with Relevance to School Management - Mike Wallace and Dick Weindling Pedagogy, Educational Management and the TTA Research Agenda - Philippa Cordingley Researching and Constructing Histories of the Field of Educational Management - Helen Gunter