Counting Prime Juggling Patterns

Juggling patterns can be described by a closed walk in a (directed) state graph, where each vertex (or state) is a landing pattern for the balls and directed edges connect states that can occur consecutively. The number of such patterns of length n is well known, but a long-standing problem is to count the number of prime juggling patterns (those juggling patterns corresponding to cycles in the state graph). For the case of $$b=2$$b=2 balls we give an expression for the number of prime juggling patterns of length n by establishing a connection with partitions of n into distinct parts. From this we show the number of two-ball prime juggling patterns of length n is $$(\gamma -o(1))2^n$$(γ-o(1))2n where $$\gamma =1.32963879259\ldots $$γ=1.32963879259…. For larger b we show there are at least $$b^{n-1}$$bn-1 prime cycles of length n.